For it was the leading thinkers of the Whig and Marxist historical determinist school who infected mankind with the concept that we were progressing somewhere, moving towards a fixed, positive future point. 因为正是这些辉格党的主要思想家和马克思主义历史决定论学派向人类灌输了以下观念:人类正在朝某个方向进步,向未来某个积极的既定目标前进。
The reasons why students raise these questions is related to students'cognition habit and characteristics of thinking and the features of historical knowledge for school students. 学生在课堂上提出意外问题的原因,一是同学生的认知习惯及思维特点有关,二是同中学历史知识的特点有关。
The name of the fifth generation is characteristic of new historical school, which, in integrating the cultural map of Chinese films, predetermines the name of the "sixth generation" directors. “第五代”的命名具有新历史主义特征,在整合中国电影文化地形图的同时完成了“第六代”导演命名的修辞预设。
The historical school believes practice but it attributes practice to the anarchical behaviour of individual or scientific community. 历史学派虽然考虑到了实践,但他们所理解的实践只是个人或科学共同体的无政府行为。
The Post-Modernism of Historical School in Philosophy of Science 科学哲学后现代思想的内生性
On Marxs ethical critique all of classical philosophy of Germany, Historical School of thought and the Ideology of young Hegel School 略论德国古典哲学以来的经济伦理思想及其马克思的批判
Enlightenment of Thoughts of Historical School of Law to the Ways of Settlement of Dispute in China 历史法学派思想对我国纠纷解决方式的启示
The German Historical School, drew some valuable economic theories form the studies of the economic history, was the first economics school that based on the studies of economic history. 德国历史学派从大量的经济史料中抽象出了许多有价值的经济学理论,是第一个基于经济史的经济学流派。
The Interpretation of the German Historical School from the Perspective of Economic History 德国历史学派的经济史学解析
A symbol text named The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was published in American in 1960s, which clear up the static and durative view of science development in scientific philosophy. From then on, the historical school in the philosophy of science came into being. 20世纪60年代,在科学哲学的发展中,一个标志性文本即库恩《科学革命的结构》的出版,消解了科学哲学家们静态的绵延的科学发展观,从而开创了历史主义学派之先河。
Under the influence of historical school of the law, Kantian philosophy of law, superior legal interest, and doctrine of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime, it founded the compromise settlement mode. 且由于历史法学派、康德哲学、优越法益、罪刑法定主义等思想的影响,及基于德国法官作用的考虑,其开创了侵权法折衷式规范模式的先河。
It has been accumulated during the historical process of school development. 学校文化从来都不是无源之水,它是在学校发展的历史过程中逐渐积淀而成的。
The book, Trade of Enlightenment Movement by Robert Darnton published in 1970s was the representative work of this historical school, showing that its theories and skills were becoming mature. 达恩顿在70年代末出版的《启蒙运动的生意》一书是标志该史学流派在理论及技巧方法上臻于成熟的代表作之一。
His contributions to the history of economic theories are manifold. Besides introducing the new concepts of nationalism and productivity into economics, his proposal of historical analysis is deemed as a pioneering work of the theory of German Historical School. 他在经济思想史上的贡献是多方面的,除了向经济学引入国家主义和生产力这两个新颖的观念外,他的历史分析法成为德国历史学派的理论先驱。
In the middle of 19 th century, the Germany economists of historical school found and advanced the so called "Smith Problems". 早在十九世纪中叶,德国历史学派经济学家就发现并提出了所谓斯密问题;
He was always effected by the historical materialism school and the textual criticism school. 他一直受到唯物史观派与史料派的双重影响,出入于两派之间。
Historical Text Research School is an important academic school active in the first half of the 20 th century. 古史辨派是活跃于本世纪上半叶中国史学界的一个重要学术流派,为了揭示有关中国上古史记载的真面目,该派对包括《周易》在内的诸多古代经籍进行了考证。
With the booming of historical school, recognition science and soul philosophic, there are material change of people's congnition to the hypostatic of science knowledge. 随着历史学派、认知科学和心灵哲学的兴起和蓬勃发展,人们对科学知识的本质的认识有了实质性的改变。
Chapter II, On the Scholarly Concept and Method of Historical and Geographical School, researches into their fundamental cognition of this piece of humanities, namely, historiography, and into their historical philosophical concept, their fundamental scholarly thought and study style. 第二章史地学派的学术理念与方法,考察了他们对于史学这一人文学科的基本认识,以及他们的历史哲学观、基本学术理念和学风。
The historical school went to the other extreme. 历史学派则走向了另一端。
Deeply influenced by "the historical materials school", Wen Yiduo, a famous scholar in Modern China, began to collect historical materials from ancient novels since the beginning of 20th century. 闻一多是中国近现代一位著名的学者,因为深受史料学派的影响,20世纪初期,他就开始在古小说中整理史料。
Traditional economics regards fortune as the only variable of utility function, which has been critiqued by new historical school and institutional economic school. 传统经济学把财富视为经济人效用函数的唯一变量,这早就受到历史学派和制度学派的批驳。
The so-called "Historical School of Law" refers to the school of thought which first arises in Germany during the nineteenth Century. 所谓历史法学派是指19世纪初首先在德国兴起的,与古典自然法学派相对抗的一个思想派别。
This kind of agency flaw was further changed by the scholars who were influenced by historical principle school. 受历史主义学派影响的学者们在此基础上进一步改变这种忽视主体的缺陷。
The British Marxist Historical School has an important position in international historiography. 英国马克思主义历史学派在国际史坛占有重要地位。
With the expanding influences of the Historical School of Law, there appears Maine, Maitland, and Carter as the representative of the advanced Historical School of Law in the nineteenth century. 随着历史法学派影响的不断扩大,19世纪中期逐渐出现了以英国梅因、梅特兰,美国卡特和日本的穗积沉重等为代表的晚期历史法学派。
Contemporary Western philosophy of science of logical empiricism, the historical school and post-modern philosopher of science on this issue have put forward their views. 当代西方科学哲学的逻辑经验主义者、历史主义学派和后现代科学哲学家在此问题上都提出了自己的观点。
What are the historical high school teaching strategy? 高中史料教学有哪些策略?
Historical School of Law has promoted the historical prosperity, made nineteenth Century a real historical century. 历史法学派的出现促进了历史主义的繁荣,使十九世纪成为真正地历史学的世纪。